Friday, May 29, 2020


The Chow Chow is a medium-sized dog breed. They originated in China. They have black, blue, fawn, cream and red colours.

  • Height:- male:- 48-55cm and female:- 45-50cm.
  • Weight: male:- 25-33kg and female:- 20-25kg.
  • Temperament:- loyal, quiet and independent. 
The life expectancy of Chow Chow is 9-15 years and the price of Chow Chow in India comes around Rs. 35000.

Friday, May 1, 2020


The papillon is a small sized dog breed. They originated in France, Spain and Belgium. Papillon are good with childrens and other pets also. Sometimes, Papillon get aggressive when they notice any bad behaviour from strangers.

  1. Height:- male:- 20-29cm and female:- 20-28cm.
  2. Weight:- male:- 3.5-4.5kg ans female:- 3-4kg.
They have white, fawn&white, sable, red&white, white&chocolate and black&white colours. Papillon are energetic, intelligent, friendly and alert dog breed.
                    The life expectancy of Papillon is 13 to 15 years. The average price of Papillon in India starts from Rs.30000 to Rs.45000.


The Old English Sheepdog is a large sized dog breed. They originated in England. Old English Sheepdog is good-natured and friendly with other pets also. They have blue merle, blue, grey and grizzle colours.

  1. Height:- male:- 55-60cm and female:- 50-55cm.
  2. Weight:- male:- 33-45kg and female:- 26-35kg.
  3. Temperament:- intelligent, playful, sociable, bubbly and loving.
The life expectancy of Old English Sheepdog is 10 to 12 years. The average price of Old English Sheepdog in India starts from Rs.50000 to Rs.70000.


Chihuahua is small sized dog breed. They originated in Mexico. There are many types of Chihuahua:-

  1. Smooth-coat Chihuahua. 
  2. Long-coat Chihuahua.
  3. Apple head Chihuahua.
  4. Deer head Chihuahua.
  5. Teacup Chihuahua.
  6. Fawn Chihuahua.
  7. Pear headed Chihuahua.
  8. Chillier Chihuahua.
  9. Chiweenie Chihuahua.
  10. Chihuahua-Terrier.
They have black, fawn, white, chocolate, cream and gold colours. The average height of Chihuahua is 15-25cm and the average weight of Chihuahua is 2to4kg. They are quick, lively, courageous and alert dog breed.
             The life expectancy of Chihuahua is 13 to 20 years. The average price of Chihuahua in India starts from Rs.8000 to Rs.25000.

POINTER(dog breed)

The Pointer is a medium to large sized dog breed.  They have liver, orange&white, black&white, lemon&white, black and liver&white colours. Pointers are wonderful family dogs and very well with childrens. They are very friendly towards strangers.

  1. Height:- male:- 55-70cm and female: 52-65cm.
  2. Weight:- male: 20-35kg and female:- 15-30kg.
  3. Temperament:- kind,loyal,active and amiable.
The life expectancy of Pointer is 12 to 17 years. The average price of Pointer in India starts from Rs. 25000 to Rs.40000.


English Cocker Spaniel is a medium size dog breed. This is a breed of gun dog. They have black, orange roan, black&tan, blue roam, orange&white, lemon&white, liver roan, liver&white, liver, tri-color, ash, liver&tan, silver, golden, black&white and red colours.

  1. Height:- male:- 38-43cm and female:- 35-40cm.
  2. Weight:- male:- 13-17kg and female:- 12-16kg.
  3. Temperament:- friendly, playful, faithful, affectionate and quiet.
The life expectancy of English Cocker Spaniel is 12 to 15 years. The average price of English Cocker Spaniel in India starts from Rs.25000 to Rs.30000.


  IMAGE BY   Camylla Battani DESCRIPTION:- Appearance  Irish Setter are originated in Ireland. Their coat is moderately long, and of a red o...