Thursday, April 30, 2020


Poodle is a formal dog breed. There origin in Germany and France. They comes into three varieties:-

  1. Toy Poodle(24-28cm).
  2. Miniature Poodle(30-35cm).
  3. Standard Poodle(45-60cm).
  4. Medium Poodle(35-45cm).
They have black, white, cream, grey, sable, black&white, blue, brown, silver and red colours. Poodle is alert, intelligent, faithful and playful dog breed. The life expectancy of Poodle is 12 to 15 years. The average price of Poodle in India starts from Rs.50000 to Rs.65000.


Shiba Inu is a small to medium sized dog breed. There origin in Japan. They were train for hunting. Shiba Inu have black&tan, red, sesame, red sesame, cream and black sesame colours. They are good family dog and playful with childrens.

  • Height:- male:- 35-45cm and female:- 32-40cm.
  • Weight:- male:- 8-12kg and female:- 7-10kg.
  • Temperament:- charming, fearless, alert and faithful.
The life expectancy of Shiba Inu is 12 to 15 years. The average price of Shiba Inu in India starts from Rs.70000 to Rs.100000.

Monday, April 27, 2020


The Bulldog, also known as British Bulldog or English Bulldog. They are medium-sized dog breed. There origin in England and United kingdom. Bulldog is a wonderful family pet and loving to most children. They are not dangerous and less aggressive as compare to many other dog breeds.

  • Height:- male:- 30-40cm and female:- 30-40cm.
  • Weight:- male:- 20-25kg and female:- 18-23kg.
  • Temperament:- friendly, willful and gregarious.
Bulldog have white, piebald, fawn&white, fawn, red&white, brindle&white, red and red brindle colours. The life expectancy of Bulldog is 8 to 10 years. The price of Bulldog in India starts from Rs.25000 to Rs.90000.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


  1. Mudhol hound:- The Mudhol hound also known as Caravan hound is an Indian dog breed. They are loyal, graceful and courageous. The price of Mudhol hound is Rs.10000.
  2. Jonangi:- The Jonangi, also known as jonangi jagilam or kolleti jagilam is an Indian dog breed. There origin in India and Pakistan also. They are spunky, vigilant and primitive.
  3. Kaikadi:- The kaikadi is a terrier dog breed. There origin in India. They are friendly, affectionate and watchful.
  4. Bully kutta:- Bully kutta also known as Indian or Pakistan mastiff. There origin in India and Sindh. This breed is used for hunting and guarding.
  5. Vikhan Sheepdog:- The VikhanSheepdog is medium to large sized dog breed. There origin in India and Pakistan also. They are fearless and intelligent dog.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

St. Bernard

St. Bernard is a giant sized dog breed. There origin in Switzerland and Italy. They are friendly, gentle, watchful and loyal dog breed. They have Red&white, brownish-yellow, reddish-brown brindle, reddish-brown splash and reddish- brown mantle colours.

  • Height:- male:-72-90cm and female:- 68-80cm.
  • Weight:- male:-65-80 kg and female:- 55-70kg.
The life expectancy of St. Bernard is 8 to 10 years. The average price of St. Bernard in India comes around Rs 25000 to Rs 30000.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


The Rottweiler is a medium to large sized domestic dog breed. They are generally used as guard dogs. There origin in Germany.

  • Colours:- black, tan and mahogany.
  •  Height:- male:- 61-70cm and female:- 55-65cm.
  • Weight:- male:- 50-60kg and female:- 38-50kg.
  • Temperament:- self-assured, fearless, devoted, steady, good-natured, alert and confident. 
The life expectancy of Rottweiler is 8 to 10 years. The average price of Rottweiler in India comes around Rs.18000 to Rs.25000.

Monday, April 13, 2020


The Beagle is a medium-sized dog breed. There origin in United kingdom, England and Great Britain. They are loyal, friendly, intelligent and playful dog breed. Beagles are good family dogs and good with childrens. They requires lot of attention and exercise. They have tri-color, white&tan, lemon&white, red&white, white&chocolate and orange&white. The average weight of beagles is 10-12 years and the average height of beagles is 35-40cm. The life expectancy of beagles is 12-15 years. The average price of beagles in India comes around Rs.20000 to Rs.28000.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


The boxer is a medium to large sized dog breed. They originated in Germany and Munich. Their coat is smooth and tight-fitted.

  • Colours:- white, brindle and fawn.
  • Height:- male:- 58-65cm and female:- 50-60cm.
  • Weight:- male:- 28-32kg and female:- 25-30kg.
  • Temperament:- intelligent, cheerful, loyal, friendly, devoted and energetic.
Boxers are comes into dangerous dog breed due to their attacks on strangers. The life expectancy of boxer is 10 to 12 years. The average price of boxer in India comes around Rs.20000 to Rs.40000.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Border collie is a medium-sized dog breed. They were also known as working and herding dogs. It is no. 1 smartest dog in the world. They are energetic, playful, tenacious and responsible dogs. They have black, white, blue, blue merle, red merle, brindle, chocolate, liver, sable merle and gold colours. The average height of male is between 48-55cm and female height is between 45-53cm. The average weight of male is between 14-20kg and female weight is between 12-18kg. There origin in Scotland, United kingdom, Ireland, England and Wales. Border collies are very wonderful family dogs. They are very faithful with their owners and good with childrens. The life expectancy of Border collie is 10 to 17 years. The average cost of Border collie in India comes around Rs.15000 to Rs.25000.


Siberian husky is a medium-sized dog breed. They are also known as working dogs.  Siberian husky are outgoing, friendly, intelligent and gentle dog breed. The average weight of male is between 20- 28kg and female weight is between 16-25kg. The average height of male is between 54-60cm and female height is between 50-55cm. This breed belongs to the spitz genetic family. They have black, white, agouti, sable, black&tan, black&white, Brown, red and grey colours. They have many different eyes colours also:-

  • Brown
  • Ice blue
  • Light brown 
  • Deep blue
  • Green
  • Amber
  • Brown
Siberian husky originated in Seberia. The life expectancy of Siberian husky is 11 to 15 years. The average price of Siberian husky in India comes around Rs.40000 to Rs.60000.

Friday, April 10, 2020


  1. Bakharwal dog:- the bakharwal dog is an ancient breed. They are loyal, protective and courageous dog breed.
  2. Kanni:- the kanni is a rare indigenous south Indian dog breed. They are agile, protective and graceful dog breed.
  3. Rajapalayam:- the Rajapalayam is an sighthoun Indian dog breed. They have black, white and browns colours. They are loyal and friendly dog breed.
  4. Combai:- the combai is a dog breed found in South India.  They have Brown and red colours. They are aggressive and savage dog breed.
  5. Gull dong:- the gull dong is a dog breed found in India and Pakistan also. They have black, white and brindle colours. They are stubborn and aggressive dog breed


Dalmatian is a large-sized dog breed. They are energetic, protective, outgoing and playful dogs. Dalmatians originated in Croatia. The average height of male is between 57-60 cm and female height is between 55-58 cm. The average weight of male is between 15-30 kg and female weight is between 16-30 kg. They have liver&white and black&white colours. They are loyal with their family and good with children. Sometimes, Dalmatian get aggressive when they notice any bad behaviour from strangers. The life expectancy of Dalmatians is 10 to 14 years. The average price of Dalmatians in India comes around Rs. 20000 to Rs. 25000. 

Monday, April 6, 2020


Dachshund is a short- legged, long- bodied, hound- type dog breed. They are also known as sausage dog or wiener dog. Dachshund are very intelligent dogs with an independent nature. Dachshund have black, blue & tan, chocolate & tan, chocolate & cream, tan and red colours. There are three types of dachshund coat varieties:- 
  • Short-haired dachshunds.
  • Long-haired dachshunds.
  • Wired- haired dachshunds.
And,There are also three types of dachshund according to size:-
  • Standard size dachshunds.
  • Miniature dachshunds.
  • Kaninchen dachshunds.
Dachshunds originated in Germany. The life expectancy of dachshund is 12 to 15 years. The average price of dachshund in India comes around Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10000.


German shepherd is medium to large size dog breed. It's originated in Germany. German shepherd is 3 SMARTEST dog breed. They are also known as working dogs. German shepherd have black, black and tan, sable, red and black, grey, black and silver colours. German shepherd ad an ideal family dog. German shepherd is an intelligent dog breed. There are five types of German shepherd:-

  1. Saddle coat German shepherd.
  2. Black German shepherd.
  3. Sable German shepherd. 
  4. Panda German shepherd. 
  5. White German shepherd. 
The life expectancy of German shepherd is 10 to 13 years. The average price of German shepherd in India starts from Rs. 12000 to Rs. 20000.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


  1. PARIAH DOG :- The pariah dog breed is very social dog and highly intelligent dog. 
  2. CHIPPIPARAI:- Chippiparai is one of the breed of Indian hunting dogs and a wonderful watch dogs.
  3. INDIAN SPITZ:- The spitz is small size dog breed and look like pomeranian dog. INDIAN spitz is one of the most popular dogs in India.
  4. PANDIKONA:- Pandikona are hunting dog found in Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. This breed is very faithful and good with children. 
  5. GADDI KUTTA:- Gaddi kutta is mountain dog found in Himalayas region of northern India. Gaddi kutta used by local shepherds to repulse snow leopard attacks.


  2. POODLE 


The pomeranian is small size dog breed. It is breed of the spitz type that is named for the pomerania region. Pomeranians are generally perky and friendly dogs. The life expectancy of a pomeranian is 12 to 15 years. Pomeranians have white, grey- shaded,Brown and orange colours. The cost of a pomeranian in India starts from Rs. 3000. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Golden retriever

Golden retriever is a medium large size dog breed. This breed has actually three different colours- golden, light golden and dark golden. Golden retriever are highly intelligent and playful dogs. The average weight of golden retriever is between 30-36kg and the average height is between 51-60cm. The life expectancy of golden retriever is 10 to 12 years. The cost of golden retriever in India starts from Rs 20000.


  IMAGE BY   Camylla Battani DESCRIPTION:- Appearance  Irish Setter are originated in Ireland. Their coat is moderately long, and of a red o...