Monday, April 27, 2020


The Bulldog, also known as British Bulldog or English Bulldog. They are medium-sized dog breed. There origin in England and United kingdom. Bulldog is a wonderful family pet and loving to most children. They are not dangerous and less aggressive as compare to many other dog breeds.

  • Height:- male:- 30-40cm and female:- 30-40cm.
  • Weight:- male:- 20-25kg and female:- 18-23kg.
  • Temperament:- friendly, willful and gregarious.
Bulldog have white, piebald, fawn&white, fawn, red&white, brindle&white, red and red brindle colours. The life expectancy of Bulldog is 8 to 10 years. The price of Bulldog in India starts from Rs.25000 to Rs.90000.


  IMAGE BY   Camylla Battani DESCRIPTION:- Appearance  Irish Setter are originated in Ireland. Their coat is moderately long, and of a red o...